Anon Lab
ok cure

ok cure

2022 Spring


The project is performed for a psychological experience called emotional numbness, which is a state of emotional numbness. For those who have not experienced this state, it is often hard to imagine what it feels like. Emotional passivation will be described in this state as feeling empty or depressed; others think that feeling as if—I don't care about other people's emotions, convinced that others don't care whether you are happy or happy, like an island.

Emotionally inert people describe this state of being as feeling empty or depressed. Others think it's as if they don't care about other people's emotions and are convinced that they don't care if they're happy or happy, like an island.


Research and analysis show that vaccines and drugs against emotional numbness are being produced. When you do not have any emotional expression of something, or you cannot feel any emotion, please read the instructions and take the emotional vaccine and emotional pill. 
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